
Climate Vulnerability Assessment

Released on October 13, 2021, the countywide Climate Vulnerability Assessment (CVA) examines the County’s social and physical vulnerability to climate hazards such as extreme heat, wildfire, and flooding — which are projected to become more severe in the coming decades.

The report highlights equity implications of the assessment findings, including how climate vulnerabilities are distributed across different communities and sub-populations within the county. Vulnerability, in the context of this discussion, does not signify any kind of innate individual weakness; to understand how climate hazards and adaptation strategies may impact people differently, we looked at structural inequities and other factors that put some people at greater risk of negative impacts. We used qualitative and quantitative methods to create a combined approach that highlights the voices, stories, and experiences of frequently excluded, highly vulnerable groups.

These findings are guiding a range of climate adaptation, emergency preparedness, and community resiliency efforts.

Report Materials

Mapping Tool -- updated March 2024